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Thayer Families of Gloucestershire


If you are looking for the perfect gift for your Thayer Family member, your search is over. This popular book has been almost impossible to keep in stock! The beautiful volume is hand-bound, machine sewn with gold foil stamp on a Lavant Grain cover. The 80 bond acid-free paper for archival purposes is prepared to resist the test of time for your future generations.

Here is a link to the Book Order Form.

Errata available.

  • From the table of Contents: Early Historical Background… The 1608 Muster… The Village of Thornbury… Church of St. Mary the Virgin… The Kyneton House… The Thornbury Castle… Origin of the Thayer Name… John Tayer-The Patriarch… Customs of the Manor… The Religious Revolution… Chapter I The Thornbury Family (Thayer)… Chapter II The Brockworth Family (Theyer)… Appendix A Thayers Throughout England… Appendix B International Distribution of Thayer Population… Appendix C Holders of the Manor of Thornbury… Bibliography… Index.
  • Over 100 pages, filled with first hand photos in England and illustrations. This first volume will be followed later with the massive “A Comprehensive Genealogy of the Thayer Family of America” which will include the genealogical data of your immigrant ancestor to present generation!

Do you know…

  • …the names of your earliest Thayer ancestors?
  • …they were among the first permanent colonists in America?
  • …the family has been in America for over 350 years?
  • …we are in the 17th generation of Thayers from the earliest known ancestor?
  • …there are about 7,000 Thayer families in the USA today?
  • …Thomas, Richard and Nathaniel were not the only male Thayers to immigrate in the 1600’s?
  • …that there were also 2 female Thayers who immigrated in the 1600’s?
  • …former First Lady, Barbara Bush, is also a Thayer descendant?