We Are A Bundle Of Our Ancestors 
2023 Braintree Reunion Photos are in the Members Only area
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Welcome to the Thayer Families Association!
With members in 43 U.S. states, Canada and Ireland, the Thayer Families Association welcomes all who have an interest in Thayer families, including all variant spellings. Please check out what we have to offer. We hope you will return to see the additional features as we go forward. If you have suggestions or comments, please contact us at one of the links HERE.


Facebook logo We now have a public outreach platform on Facebook — click on the logo to access our page! You can use our "Thayer Families Association" page to connect with others interested in our heritage; to share historical photos and genealogy-related information, or to ask questions of our online community. Please note that becoming a free member of our Facebook page does NOT substitute for all the many other benefits you receive as a paid member of our association. 
Click here to check out our Member Benefits and Join Today via our Online Join Feature . . . You can join the Thayer Families Association online by using PayPal or Credit Card and have immediate access to over 30 years of newsletter archives and other member-only features. 
Or Join By Mail . . . If you prefer joining by regular mail, complete the membership application form available HERE that you may fill on your computer, then print, and mail it along with your check to TFA. 

We have added the INDEX OF NAMES from all of Patricia Thayer Muno's "A Comprehensive Genealogy of the Thayer Families of America" so that you may learn which volume contains your family's information. The complete set is in Patricia's Corner in a searchable format.

Volume IX graphic
Click above to Open, Fill & Download Order Form 

Patricia's 50 Years of Research Award

Marking Two Years Since Mayflower II's Triumphant Return to Plymouth Following Her Multi-Year Restoration. 

National Monument to the Forefathers

Speedwell ship drawingThe Speedwell (Left) was a 60-ton pinnace that, along with Mayflower, transported the Pilgrims and was the smaller of the two ships. Later, it carried Thomas Thayer’s goods from England to Boston in 1637. Thomas THAYER, son of Richard THAYER, was christened 16 August 1596 at Thornbury, Gloucestershire, England, and died 2 June 1665 in Braintree, Massachusetts.
C.A.Thayer Ship
The C.A. Thayer (Above Right) was built by Danish-born Hans Ditlev Bendixsen in his shipyard, located across the narrows of Humboldt Bay from the city of Eureka in Northern California. Bendixsen also built the Wawona (1897) which was dismantled in 2009. The C.A. Thayer was named for Clarence A. Thayer, a partner in the San Francisco-based E.K. Wood Lumber Company.
Click this link to view Harold Huycke’s 1957 motion picture film of C.A. Thayer in 6 parts. There are over 3 hours of video! Description: Harold Huycke motion picture film of C.A. Thayer (built 1895; schooner, 3m) restoration. Reel 1: Hood Canal to Maritime Shipyard, Tugboat Titan, and schooner C.A. Thayer. Reel 2: New stern, stepping masts, painting ship’s name, and Maritime Shipyard to Winslow. Reel 3: Winslow rigging to sea, sternwork, sailing return voyage to San Francisco. Reel 4: Deckhands at work and on rigging, sailing, lowering sails, arriving in San Francisco. Reel 5: Arrival in San Francisco assisted by tugboat “W 150”, visitors aboard, and Harold Huycke. Reel 6: Drawbridge, Maritime Shipyard, deckhands at work.
Captain Ottoman Friz’s 1958 motion picture film of C.A. Thayer
Captain Ed Shields motion picture films of the C.A. Thayer on her last cod fishing voyage in 1950. 
Axel Widerstrom motion picture film of C.A. Thayer final voyage to San Francisco
Historic C.A. Thayer returns to homeport after major restoration

Click on the photos below for details or refresh browser for more items!

General Sylvanus Thayer
The General Sylvanus Thayer Birthplace is a historic house located at 786 Washington Street, Braintree, MA. Sylvanus is known as the "Father of West Point". The house is now operated year-round as a non-profit museum by the Braintree Historical Society. Please contact them for more information.
Letters from Iraq
St. Louis Symphony Orchestra’s Vice President for Education and Community Partnerships, Marc Thayer, just returned to northern Iraq for 3 weeks where he coached music students in an institute sponsored by American Voices. This organization sets up temporary teaching institutes in areas of conflict. In this letter, he writes from the ancient city of Suleimanya.
1997 TFA Reunion
Braintree Cablevision Interview of TFA President Albert Thayer Morton and Historian Patricia Thayer Muno by Selectman Jim Sullivan