We Are A Bundle Of Our Ancestors
2023 Braintree Reunion Photos are in the Members Only area
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Welcome to the Thayer Families Association!
With members in 43 U.S. states, Canada and Ireland, the Thayer Families Association welcomes all who have an interest in Thayer families, including all variant spellings. Please check out what we have to offer. We hope you will return to see the additional features as we go forward. If you have suggestions or comments, please contact us at one of the links HERE.
We now have a public outreach platform on Facebook — click on the logo to access our page! You can use our "Thayer Families Association" page to connect with others interested in our heritage; to share historical photos and genealogy-related information, or to ask questions of our online community. Please note that becoming a free member of our Facebook page does NOT substitute for all the many other benefits you receive as a paid member of our association.
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Reverend William R. Thayer, 77, of Longmeadow, Massachusetts, died November 19, 2024. He was born August 15, 1947, in New York, NY. Known for his caring, kindness, and generosity, William will be deeply missed by all who knew him. He was the son of Allen R. Thayer and Barbara F. Moulton Thayer Meltzer and is survived by his brother, Lloyd M. Thayer, of Wilmington, Delaware, and a niece, a nephew, a great-niece, and a great-nephew.
William had a passion for theology, comparative religions, and church history. He majored in philosophy and religion at Springfield College, earned a Masters in Social Work from the University of Connecticut and a Masters in Divinity from Andover Newton Theological School. He was ordained October 31, 2015. He worked in social Work for 30 years in Edinburgh, Scotland; New Haven and Manchester, Conn; and New York City. He worked as Parish Visitor at South Congregational Church in East Hartford, which he found to be his most rewarding and meaningful work. He was an active member of the Theosophical Society and William was a founding member and first president of the Thayer Families Association.
A memorial service will be held on January 11, 2025 at 10 am at the Unitarian Universalist (UU) Society of Greater Springfield, Mass. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the UU, South Congregational Church in East Hartford, or St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Springfield, Mass.
We have added the INDEX OF NAMES from all of Patricia Thayer Muno's "A Comprehensive Genealogy of the Thayer Families of America" so that you may learn which volume contains your family's information. The complete set is in Patricia's Corner in a searchable format.
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Patricia's 50 Years of Research Award
Shipwreck, Cannibals, and the Island with the Long Tail
The Speedwell (Left) was a 60-ton pinnace that, along with Mayflower, transported the Pilgrims and was the smaller of the two ships. Later, it carried Thomas Thayer’s goods from England to Boston in 1637. Thomas THAYER, son of Richard THAYER, was christened 16 August 1596 at Thornbury, Gloucestershire, England, and died 2 June 1665 in Braintree, Massachusetts.
The C.A. Thayer (Above Right) was built by Danish-born Hans Ditlev Bendixsen in his shipyard, located across the narrows of Humboldt Bay from the city of Eureka in Northern California. Bendixsen also built the Wawona (1897) which was dismantled in 2009. The C.A. Thayer was named for Clarence A. Thayer, a partner in the San Francisco-based E.K. Wood Lumber Company.
Click this link to view Harold Huycke’s 1957 motion picture film of C.A. Thayer in 6 parts. There are over 3 hours of video! Description: Harold Huycke motion picture film of C.A. Thayer (built 1895; schooner, 3m) restoration. Reel 1: Hood Canal to Maritime Shipyard, Tugboat Titan, and schooner C.A. Thayer. Reel 2: New stern, stepping masts, painting ship’s name, and Maritime Shipyard to Winslow. Reel 3: Winslow rigging to sea, sternwork, sailing return voyage to San Francisco. Reel 4: Deckhands at work and on rigging, sailing, lowering sails, arriving in San Francisco. Reel 5: Arrival in San Francisco assisted by tugboat “W 150”, visitors aboard, and Harold Huycke. Reel 6: Drawbridge, Maritime Shipyard, deckhands at work.
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Schooner C. A. Thayer
The C. A. Thayer is a wooden-hulled, three masted schooner with a long and colorful history. The last of her kind afloat on the West coast, the C. A. Thayer has hauled lumber, fish, coal, and war materials. She has survived 2 near sinkings and at nearly 100 years old requires much work to prevent her loss to wood rot.
Curtis Ross Thayer
Curt was a long time member of TFA and served as Vice President, President & Treasurer among other positions on the Board. He and his wife Donna hosted the 2003 Annual Business Meeting and Family Reunion of the Thayer Families Association in Frankenmuth, Michigan. He got us out of the habit of thinking all TFA meetings had to be in Braintree and we had 122 attendees!
The Thayer Tartan
The Thayers, along with many other US citizens, trace their lineage back to Scotland. The colours reflect the prosperity of Thayers of Scottish descent in the USA and their awareness of their roots. This tartan is for the use of all of the name of Thayer born in the USA.
A woven sample of this tartan has been received by the Scottish Register of Tartans for permanent preservation in the National Records of Scotland.